
Garnet Sphere with Stand

The garnets are considered a stone of increasing commitment, honesty, hope and faith. It is a stone of positive thoughts which is said to dispel and relieve depression. Garnet is also used to overcome crisis and trauma. It is used to bring one away from a sense of helplessness or victimization and imparting courage. It is used to assist in diminishing abandonment issues. One of the ways it does this is by assisting with releasing old ideas and perceptions of self and others helping to see one as they are, rather than through a filter of fear. Thus it can reduce conscious or unconscious self-sabotage. It is said to enhance emotions in a positive way and be quite calming.

Garnet is considered a stone that helps one realize and enjoy the pleasures of earthly incarnation. This includes enhancing sensuality, sexuality, and intimacy in a balanced fashion. As such, garnet is a stone of love and passion.


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