Holistic Wellness Services

Mindfulness 4 Week Series

Is remaining in the present moment something you struggle with? Do you feel you do not have time to practice mindfulness?

In this series you will learn to be more present and aware at both work and home. You will find more ease and happiness in life. You will reduce your auto-pilot reactivity in stressful situations. You will learn to enhance your connection with others. You will learn to be more kind and compassionate with yourself in times of challenge.

I would love to show you how you can become more mindful in the chaos of your day to day lives. This class meets once a week for four (4) weeks virtually for approximately an hour, in which we will dive into mindfulness and end with a mindful activity.

If class is paid for in full prior to beginning you will receive a 10% discount. Reach out today!


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If you want to know more about my services or book an appointment, please contact me using this form.