Holistic Wellness Services

Sound Bath (Individual Sessions)

Music can be used as a healing tool or a method of destruction depending on how it is used. But when you dive into the frequencies of it...a whole new world develops.

Modern researchers have found that sound can cause cells to vibrate in ways that could potentially promote healing. The Old Testament mentions playing music as a powerful role in uniting people and bringing about peace, which was often an important part of the spiritual healing process.

Doctors began using ultrasound for imaging purposes, but it wasn't until the 1940s when microbiologist, inventor and researcher, Dr. Royal Rife, used audio frequency devices to study microbes that we began to uncover the true power of sound on the human body. Dr. Rife said his frequency generator could “annihilate virus and bacteria,” and that it could “destroy any virus or bacteria within 15 minutes…that there was not a single disease on the face of the earth that could not be cured with his generator.

What are you waiting for? Book your sound healing bath today! Reach out to find out about individual or group sessions via email.

$45.00 hour

Contact Pleasantly Grounded

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